Monday, June 11, 2012

Zombie Express Truck

Zombie Express Truck 

Zombie Express Truck lets you play as the driver of a carrier truck of zombies. From the starting area, which they call the Parasol loading dock, you will get to load zombies in their cages in your own discretion. The goal is to transport these zombies to the other side, without a single one falling down as you drive your way to it.
Also, strategically positioning your cages will also contribute to your smooth sailing towards your goal. These cages, other than the fact that they increase with each level, also come in different shapes, which makes it even more challenging. You can unlock levels as you play, and as you unlock more levels, the tougher it gets. More cages have to be positioned carefully in order for them not to tumble down, much more push more cages out of the truck with them.
Watch on Youtube  

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