Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Extreme Truckers Puzzle

Extreme Truckers Puzzle 

Extreme truckers is a game which is designed very stylishly to meet the needs and taste of an average gamer. The game is equipped with loads of truck pictures in its data base. The gamer has to arrange each of the shuffled pieces together to make a full fledged truck. But, it is not a small deal to arrange these shattered pieces; you have to use your claws and brain to the maximum extend to proceed to the next level. There is also a stop watch timer which monitors your moves and thoughts. The presence of the timer makes this game even more interesting as you have to arrange these pieces to a full picture within the given time frame. A gamer has to use his multi tasking ability to make himself a top notch player in this game.
Extreme Truckers Puzzle Video 

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